You may have found this article by searching for “Facebook hack codes,” but there’s really no such thing. The rules change so often that one “hack code” that works today may not work tomorrow.
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However, there are some helpful Facebook hacks that most users won’t know about. And if you use them they can show off your geeky skills. Here are the best Facebook hacks we know of.
1. Post to Facebook via SMS
Some of these Command Prompt tricks and hacks are special features or fun uses for the Command Prompt itself, while others are just neat or relatively unknown things you can do with certain CMD commands. Let's get started! Open Command Prompt and then browse through these 21 super-cool Command Prompt hacks. This how to will show you how to program a fairly simple Hacking bat file. First open notepad. Code the Best Hacking Tool. Hack Like a Pro. The trick is to use an Alt code. For those who don’t know, Alt codes let you type special characters and special symbols that don’t appear on a standard keyboard. In order to create a blank status update, you’ll need Alt code 0173. This will create an invisible soft hyphen. Cool Notepad Tricks And Hacks – 2018 (Latest 12+) Notepad is rather a simple text editor offered by windows operating system. Normally we use notepad for typing purpose and also to save the files to keep the record. Notepad is also used by web designers and programmers for coding purpose.
1) Attacking against the exact website; 2)Attacking against the web server, then getting a high level permition, and then. (!) that thing that you are searching for is the first one, for that I advice you to analyze the website and realise which CMS/Portal/Plugins site is using, after that you can use exploits codes to hack the website. Sep 04, 2019 CMD is a powerful tool which lets you do almost anything with your Windows PC/laptop. There are common commands like CD. And MD etc which you probably know so we won’t get into that. In this article, we have provided the best cmd commands used in.
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Sure, you could install the Facebook app on your phone so that you can monitor your friends’ feeds and post to your own feed whenever you like. But what if you want to be able to post to Facebook without installing the app? Or what if you’re one of those really old-school people who doesn’t even own a smartphone, and all you can do is send SMS messages?
All you have to do is log into your Facebook account from a desktop browser, and go to Settings, and then Mobile. Then click to Add a phone, if you haven’t already added your phone to your Facebook account. Once you select your wireless carrier and click Next, you’ll need to send an SMS of “F” to Facebook’s SMS number (32665).
Once you do, you’ll receive a confirmation code on your phone, which you’ll need to type into the field in the pop-up box. For privacy reasons, we suggest deselecting Share my phone number with my friends and Allow friends to text me from Facebook.
Now, all you have to do to post a status update to your Facebook wall is send an SMS of the post to the Facebook SMS number.
There are a few other useful commands you can SMS to Facebook if you prefer using Facebook via text messaging:
- OTP: Retrieve a one time password for Facebook when you forget your Facebook password.
- START: Start getting text notifications for Facebook updates.
- STOP: Turn off text notifications for Facebook updates.
- HELP: To get help with using SMS-to-Facebook.
2. Post a Blank Status Update
Do you want to confuse your friends and followers? Then why not post a blank status update on Facebook? You’ll leave them all wondering what on earth went wrong.
The trick is to use an Alt code. For those who don’t know, Alt codes let you type special characters and special symbols that don’t appear on a standard keyboard. In order to create a blank status update, you’ll need Alt code 0173. This will create an invisible soft hyphen.
Just start creating a post in the usual way. When it’s time to enter your message, hold down the Alt key on your keyboard and type 0173. Make sure you hit Post before entering any other characters.
3. Make Facebook Flip Upside Down
This one is a funny facebook hack.
If you’ve been on Facebook long enough, you’ve probably seen someone have the upside-down Facebook prank played on them—or maybe it’s happened to you. This is similar to the old keyboard trick where someone in an office would run over to someone else’s computer and press Ctrl + Alt + Down to rotate the computer screen upside down.
You can do a similar thing on Facebook by selecting the upside-down language under someone’s Facebook account. Obviously, this only works if someone has inadvertently set Facebook to auto-login on a particular browser. To find it, just go into the same language settings menu as described in the section above.
Simply select the Upside Down language and try not to laugh when the person comes back and all the text on Facebook is upside down.
4. Download Your Friends’ Photo Collections
If you have a lot of friends on Facebook, you may not have the time to keep up with all of the new family photos they’ve posted. But what if you’re interested in them and would love to have them stored in your own private photo collection to review later?
This isn’t an easy task these days. Most of the Chrome plugins created specifically for this purpose years ago no longer work. However, there is one that works well called DownAlbum.
When you have a friend’s Facebook album opened on the page, just click the extension icon and click the Normal button. It will flash a quick pop-up showing that all of the images are downloading. Once finished, it’ll open a new tab with all of the downloaded images displayed. You can click on each one to see a large image and download them individually, or follow the instructions on the page to save all of the photos.
5. Schedule Facebook Status Updates
Do you want to keep your Facebook profile active even though you’re going offline for a few days? Maybe you’re taking a trip and won’t be anywhere near a computer for a week. Or maybe you’ll be playing hooky from work, but you want your colleagues and boss to think you’re stuck at home sick.
You can accomplish any of these wishes by using IFTTT to schedule your customized Facebook status updates.
How does it work? It’s easy. First, let’s say you want five emails to go out this week. One for every day of the week. First, you’ll create an IFTTT recipe based on the IFTTT mail trigger. Choose the Send IFTTT an email tagged trigger. Set the tag to something like #myfacebook.
Click Create trigger, and then choose the Facebook action. You can either choose to send a link message or a static status message. Either one will work so long as you include the link in the email body for the linked post. For the ingredients, make the status message the body of your incoming email.
That’s it. Now you just have to send an email to with a subject line of #myfacebook, and IFTTT will pass along the body of your incoming email as a new post to your Facebook wall.
6. Hide Your Online Status From Certain People
Thankfully, there’s a Facebook hack that lets you selectively block your online status, and block messages from certain people.
First, in your Facebook account, go to Settings > Blocking. Next, in the Block Users section, just type in the person’s name in the text field.
The people you list here will not see your online status, and won’t be able to message you or send you app requests.
More Facebook Tips and Tricks to Try
The Facebook hacks we’ve introduced you to in this article barely scratch the surface of what’s possible on the social network.
So if you would like to learn more, check out the essential Facebook tips for beginners10 Essential Facebook Tips for Absolute Beginners10 Essential Facebook Tips for Absolute BeginnersTo this day, Facebook is getting new users. Maybe you're one of them. If so, we've compiled a list of essential tips for Facebook beginners like you.Read More and our collection of Facebook tricks you should be using21 More Facebook Tricks & Features You Should Be Using21 More Facebook Tricks & Features You Should Be UsingIt's tough to keep up with every feature and setting that Facebook introduces. Here are another 21 features, tips and tricks that could change the way you use Facebook.Read More.
Blank Status Update doesn't work, Chrome browser Win 10 1809.
Wow, I didn't believe facebook hacking of getting password and messages of recent chat really exist, until I tried The RemActivist, this guys are supercool I was just giving it a try to get my girlfriend password, and I got it. Giving them her username. And to my surprise I got it. I logged in and it was like I was dreaming but damn it is true. Guys I recommend I'm gonna to do my university result as well, I'm sick of getting the f's. Waste no time guys
Hamza rajput
Notepad is rather a simple text editor offered by windows operating system. Normally we use notepad for typing purpose and also to save the files to keep the record. Notepad is also used by web designers and programmers for coding purpose. Because Notepad supports various different types of extensions. While most of the people think that notepad is only a text editor. If you also think in the same way then you are wrong because in this article we will discuss about different tips, tricks and features which are accessible through notepad. We can use notepad as powerful tool to control and manipulate computer programs and services.
So here we are going to discuss about cool notepad tricks. By using these tricks you may prank and make fun with your friends. With notepad we will create files which can be use to turn Off PC, Disable mouse, dancing keyboard Led, etc. All the below given notepad hacks and tricks may or may not be work depend on your Hardware and Software and Run them at your own risk any kind of data loss or software failure we will not be not be responsible for it.
List Of All Notepad Tricks And Hacks.
1. Use Notepad As Diary.
This trick is used to save your notepad document with data and time every time you open the notepad it will looks like a dairy. You have to type the following command.
1. Type the Name.Log in capital letters in notepad.
2. Save the file with default extension and close it.
2. Falling Matrix Code Effect.
This is another fabulous in all notepad hacks that will show green matrix falling in the black screen. Copy the code given below.
@echo off
color 02
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start
Save the file with, Name.bat extension and open the file.
3. Dancing Keyboard LED.
Another amazing in all notepad tricks that show you the dancing of keyboard Leds. Copy the code given below.
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
wscript.sleep 100 wshshell.sendkeys “{CAPSLOCK}”
wshshell.sendkeys “{NUMLOCK}”
wshshell.sendkeys “{SCROLLLOCK}”
Save the notepad file with Name.vbs extension and double click it.
4. Eject CD Drive Continuously.
This is another popular vb script that run using notepad. It show you the continuous movement of your CD/DVD drive until you stop the script. It is really amazing among all notepad tricks to prank others. Just copy the code given below.
Set oWMP = CreateObject(“WMPlayer.OCX.7”)
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count – 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000
Save the file with Name.vbs extension and run it.
5. Computer Speaking Your Message.
This notepad trick able you to speak your message through computer. Copy the code given below.
Dim speaks, speech
speaks=”Welcome to”
Set speech=CreateObject(“sapi.spvoice”)
speech.Speak speaks
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Save the file with Name.vbs extension and double click to run it.
Replace the text “Welcome to” with your message.
6. Disable The Mouse.
This is another prank in all notepad hacks that disable your mouse after double clicking the file that is created by using the code given below.
rem Disable Mouse
set key=”HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEsystemCurrentControlSetServicesMouclass”
reg delete %key%
reg add %key% /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 4
Save the file with Name.vbs extension and run it.
7. Shut Down PC.
This is another cool list of notepad hacks which i like the most. This will able you to shut down PC by simply double clicking the file. Copy the code given below.
@echo off
Shutdown.exe -s -t 10
msg * I don’t like you SHIT!
Save the file with Name.bat extension and enjoy it.
8. Create Password Protected Folder Lock.
Copy below given code.
title Folder Locker
if EXIST “Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEC->{kme”D001fd fv001220001300019D%’D%”2 ‘?tl
LOg%1eQ`g KW M001c0002Wno oepGo>jLViNCKER
gco I20004 y1 sure };vaw to Lo#k the ldr %8Ye*AN]39%A
9. World Trade Center Attack.
This is another popular in all notepad tricks. The flight number for the plane that hit the World Trade Center on 9/11 was Q33N. Now follow the instructions to use this trick.
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1. Type the flight number into Notepad.
2. Change font size to 72.
3. Change font to Windings. Now you will see the effects.
10. Fake windows Error.
With this simple trick you can easily create fake windows error pop ups. You can also use this trick to have fun with your friends. This trick can rather be used to scare off unwanted users. Thus, to create a fake windows error pop up, follow the given steps.
1. First of all, open Notepad
2. Type X=Msgbox(“Message Here”,0+16,”Title Here”)
3. Replace Message Here and Title Here with your Error Message and
Error-Window Title respectively.
4. Save the file with .vbs extension.
5. Then, click the file and you’ll get your custom-made Windows error message.
11. Test Real Time Protection Of Antivirus.
With this yet another amazing notepad trick, you can test the real time protection feature of your anti virus. All you have to do is rather create a simple notepad file. This file will appear to the anti-virus as malware but do not worry it is harmless. So here are the steps to test real time protection with notepad :
- First of all, Open Notepad.
- Copy this code:
Simple Hacking Codes List
- Save the with .COM extension. For example,
Your anti virus should definitely show an alert and quarantine this file also. If not, you need to switch your anti-virus program.
12. Open Notepad continuously.
This is rather an extremely fun prank to play on your friends computer. Because it will keep opening notepad again and again with is very frustrating and annoying. Just copy the code given below.
@ECHO off
START %SystemRoot%system32notepad.exe
GOTO topSave it as a .vbs file and enjoy pranking people.
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In conclusion, these are the best notepad tricks 2016. If you think we missed any trick or need help with the ones mentioned above, feel free to comment below.